I worry about our planet and hope to put some thoughts forward on the looming climate change issues facing us.
In 1970-73 part of my interests was to look at the computer modelling done by Forrester for The Club of Rome.
At that time the main environmental concern seemed to be air pollution from cars and other sources. A complex model was developed which predicted that the world population would reach a maximum about 2020 and then decline.
Obviously many things have changed over the past 50 years and the world population continues to grow. However, many other events have happened - such as drought, bushfires, floods and earthquakes. There is a growing acceptance that these events will become more frequent and widespread. People now associate these trends with climate change - or more specifically global warming.
Covid-19 was a sudden "wake up call" with dire social and economic results. I hope you will take the time to look at my other website WakeUpWorld.com.au
I picked up some new but well seasoned red gum and yellow box slabs yesterday and just managed to find space in the already crowded double garage.
The short pieces about 1350mm long are planned for coffee tables, the next length for benches and longer tables. The longest are about 3100mm are awaiting some imagination.
Although my photographic journey started with landscape related subjects, I am keen to develop skills with portraits, fashion, model portfolios, photo-artistry and studio work.
I am located in SW Sydney and/or the Southern Highlands of NSW
Later in 2023 I hope to have a smallish studio set up in the Southern Highlands but otherwise outdoor locations within easy travel distance would suit.
Contact me if this might be of interest - see also "StarNow" and/or "Model Mahem"
Two example shoots:
Some sample Sydney locations are of course near some iconic buildings like the Harbour Bridge or the Opera House. Further afield, there are some nice large fig trees at Mortdale, some interesting "scribbly gums" at Oatley Park.
Back towards the coast, I tend to visit the area near Bare Island (La Perouse) and Cape Banks. There are some safe sandstone cliffs as backdrops with some suited to morning shoots and others to the late afternoon sun. Some are more accessible at low tide. Cockatoo Island has some great old machinery and can be reached by ferry.

I have produced a number of blank greeting cards depicting heritage structures, machinery, transport or "the bush"
Minimum order of 20 ($AUD 40) and postage within Australia only ($5 for 20 and free postage for more than 40 cards).
Normal retail selling price has been $AUD 4.00 to $4.95
Here are two examples: Guys Hut in the Victorian High Country and Wooden Clinker built boats in Tasmania.
Each card has a description inside.
Today I managed some time to put a smallish red gum burl onto the Wood Wizz Milling machine to flatten the two surfaces.
The burl had previously been filled with a two part clear casting epoxy resin - more about that in another post. The epoxy had left some local raised blobs of hardened resin that I needed to shave off before finishing.
Over a period of time the burl had developed a small convex dome shape which became apparent during the milling process.
Milling off the central domed area of epoxy covered top surface.