Carrington Falls are located in the Southern Highlands of NSW.
There has been numerous periods of heavy rain starting with those that extinguished the widespread bushfires of 2019-20.
These particular images were taken on April Fools Day 2022. There was quite a mist and light rain falling in the gorge below the falls.
I used my Nikon D500 with a Full frame 28-300mm zoom lens for most shots as well as a D810 with a 200-500mm zoom for the others. All images were hand-held or by resting on a guard rail at the lookouts.

Mostly the waterfalls around the Southern Highlands near Sydney have a gentle flow going over them. After heavy rain there is a relatively short period of time where the flows can be very powerful. Carrington Falls, Fitzroy Falls, Belmore Falls as well as accessible smaller falls nearer to Bundanoon - my favourite being the Erith Creek Coalmine Falls.

Erith Coal Mine (Bundanoon) images from a few days ago. Unfortunately well after the earler rain but still some nice shots from below the falls. En route down you pass three horizontal shafts into the coal seams. Part of the seam was left as a support for the sandstone roofs of the shafts. The surrounding high ground was burnt in the bushfires of 2019-20 but deep in the gully was spared.

I grew up in Melbourne and enjoyed bushwalking in the Victorian High Country and also at Wilsons Promontory.
Later I enjoy some of the 4WD tracks and taking passengers to remote areas. The top three and the last images are from the 4WD track to Blue Rag Trig station in the high country. The famous Craigs Hut is near Mt Stirling and is easily accessible by 4WD.