In April 2024 a group of about 16 members from the Bundanoon Photo Group visited Milton Park Country House, located to the east of Bowral in the Southern Highlands, to capture some of the Autumn colours and to catch up with friends.
Leaving the coffee lounge we observed a game of Chess that apparently went on for some time judging by the number of empty coffee cups.

After a coffee and a naughty custard tart a small group of photographers moved on from the Robertson Pie Shop towards Carrington Falls.
En route we detoured to Nellies Glen. I tried some Infrared (on a converted D7100) as well as normal digital colour using my D500.

On a rather overcast day a quick visit to Kangaroo Valley ...
Read more: A Short Visit Down the Escarpment to Kangaroo Valley

The Rex Cinema started in 1924 in a Bundanoon that had around 520 people and no mains electricity. Silent movies were screened using carbon arc projectors and a portable generator at Tylers Hall adjacent to the Hotel.
After the construction of the Soldiers Memorial Hall in 1934, the Rex Cinema made the Memorial Hall its new home. However, the advent of television in the 1960s brought about the demise of many cinemas around Australia, including The Rex.
Read more: The Appleton Ladies Potato Race - Film Screening in Bundanoon

A group of well behaved folk gathered in the Bundanoon Memorial Hall to rehearse for the concert the following night.

In Bundanoon, a "semi-retirement" village in the southern highlands of New South Wales a Scottish "gathering" has been held for the past 40 years.
The past few years has seen the postponement of the event owing to Covid and then to persistent rain that would have badly damaged the cricket oval when subject to the expected crowd of 10,000. For 2023 the date was 1st April. In 2024 it is planned for April 6 2024.
For more background including the events - some 30 Scottish Pipe Bands, the unique "strong man" competitions, many tents for the different Clans. Not to mention the food stalls that had long queues of well behaved people lining up for. Did I mention that the number of well trained dogs almost outnumbered their owners!