Richly Veined Red Gum Burl
Richly Veined Red Gum Burl

Live Edge Burls - Currently most without Legs

WGB01 - 11 images of this burl. {800x650x60 Burl, WG, red gum, no legs, many veins, great colour}

More burls in the full article WGB02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 18

WGB02 - 9 images of this burl {910x700x70 Burl, WG, red gum, no legs} 

WGB03 - 14 images of this burl {860x650x50 Burl, WG, Red gum, no legs}

WGB04 - 8 images of this burl {880x650x55 Burl, WG, Red gum, no legs, few veins, a pointy bit}

WGB05 - 7 images of this burl {800x650x60 Burl, WG, Red gum, no legs}

WGB06 - 3 images of this burl {540x500x40 Slice from WG Grey Gum, shrinkage splits}

WGB07 - 11 images of this burl {850x800x55 Burl, WG, Red Gum, no legs}

WGB08 - 13 images of this burl {750x600x60 Burl, WG, Red gum, many veins, two holes}

WGB09 - 14 images of this burl

{1250x500(max)x40 th, WG, Coolibah, no legs, (maybe 1 end square, other 2 pin), wider side may need refinishing, either side could be top }

WGB10 - 11 images of this burl {880x850x65, WG, Slice }

WGB11 - 20 images of this burl

{Table, WG, 4x2 pin(10mm), 850x600x50th, bevelled underside, 1 edge nearly straight, 460 high}

WGB12 - 8 images of this burl

{Table, WG, 3x2 pin(12mm), 640x600x58th, elliptical, fewer veins, 510 high}

WGB13 - 9 images of this burl

{Table, WG, two square legs, 960x650x50th, 450 high}

WGB14 - 14 images of this burl

{Table, WG, 3x2 pin legs, elliptical, heavy veins, red gum, 900x680x45, 500 high}

WGB15 - 11 images of this burl

{Table, WG, 3x2pin legs, elliptical, few veins, Red gum, 800x600x60, 510 high}

Images to follow for the next two burls

WGB16 - {Table, WG, 3x2 pin legs, elliptical, light coloured, thick, 630x600x75, 495 high} 
WGB17 {Table, WG, 2 sets rect black legs 300wx400 high, brilliant Coolibah burl, 1250x500 x 40 th }

WGB18 - 9 images of this burl

{Table, WG, 650x650x70 490 high, thicker, whiteish, heavy, 3 legs 2p}