The spring flowers at White Gables - mainly roses - are still doing well although the Rodos are well passed their prime.
A sudden rain/light hail storm got me out looking for water droplets on the flowers.
Then a quick trip into the Morton National Park where some new growth following the previous summer fires was adding to the colour.
Technical Details:
- All images taken with a Nikon D500 and a AF-S Micro Nikkor 105mm f2.8 G ED lens.
- All handheld and single images (no focus stacking)
- Aperture priority used and most images in the range f10 - f14
- Auto ISO was used with a base of 100ISO.
- Minimum shutter speed was set at 1/60 sec - but in future should be set at 1/125 or 1/160 sec if handheld.
- Slight breeze moving flowers around. Should have had a higher minimum shutter speed!!