The widespread bushfires in NSW have been well documented. Many areas including National Parks remain closed for a long period because of unsafe and burnt trees near roads.
In the Morton National Park, near Bundanoon, a few things were of some surprize.
Firstly, that the native grass trees seemed to be spared the worst of the fires - perhaps they were in areas of controlled back burning to save nearby towns etc.
Secondly, after the fires were put out by rather heavy rains in February 2020 one observed that the ground was very soft underfoot and hundreds of ant nests appeared.
Regrowth on the standing but burnt trees happened fairly quickly with new leaves sprouting from trunks and branches to the tops of the trees.
The following images were taken with a converted DSLR camera (Nikon D7100) to capture Infrared. In these images the green foliage and grass trees show up as stark white.