I used to be a structural engineer and University Academic in Canada as well as at UNSW Sydney. My interest area was, and still is with lightweight, large span spaceframe and membrane structures. I am a founding member of the Lightweight Structures Assoc of Australasia and continue to work part time for them - see: https://www.lsaa.org/

One of the more interesting Australian projects was my extensive involvement in the design of the Melbourne Arts Centre Spire in the period 1973-79. I worked as a specialist consultant through the then John Connell and Associates to realize the concepts of the Architect Sir Roy Grounds. In 2024 it is celebrating 40 years since the opening of the State Theatre. The Spire has become a Melbourne Icon.

But in retirement I have started work with solid timber burls as coffee tables, slabs of timber for benches and tables. Many of these are the opposite of lightweight!

Oh and a bit of photography. Jack of all(?) trades - master of none - always learning - and forgetting more with age !! 

Sample small burl or slab tables
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In terms of photos, this panorama was used on the cover of the book "The Rarest Thing" by Deborah O'Brien

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And this one showing the devastion from bushfires in the Victorian High Country got a nod as being in the top 101 in the 2014 International Landscape Photos

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